Formerly the Official Training Management Company for The National Association
of Chiefs of Police and American Police Hall of Fame - Now affiliated with
The Flagler Gun & Archery Club, Bunnell, FL

If you have taken a concealed carry class from us (or even if you haven't), click top left button for FL Concealed Carry regs and top right button for justifiable use of force.
Florida Firearms - By Jon Gutmacher
GREAT, readable legal resource for ALL who carry in Florida!

Welcome to
Survival Training, LLC.
Our training company was started by a seasoned law enforcement trainer and a long-time civilian instructor (a USCCA Training Counselor and author of the acclaimed book, 'The Handgun Guide for Women.')
"Our goal is to create a SAFE training atmosphere, answer all questions thoroughly and completely, work with people at their own level, and never, ever belittle anyone for their lack of knowledge or fear of firearms."
Survival Training offers specialized classes for Beginners, Senior Citizens, Women, Intermediate Handgun, Rifle & Shotgun instruction, as well as related safety & awareness classes.
The founders of Survival Training LLC have been active in a variety of military and law enforcement non-profits and causes through the years, and are dedicated to supporting SAFE and responsible gun ownership & personal defense. They are also qualified to present Armed Intruder training to companies, organizations, churches and other groups.
Classes 2024
Beginner's Basic Defensive Handgun​
Defensive Pistol, Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals
One-on-one or private group training available at Flagler Gun & Archery Club
To register or find out more, click HERE.
We offer NRA and USCCA classes, as well as hybrid and personalized training & more at:
The Flagler Gun & Archery Club
1290 CR 90 East. Bunnell, FL 32110
We are also happy to visit
other ranges or hold courses
in private venues.

Hey Ladies,
If you'd rather not learn to shoot in a testosterone-drenched class taught by men, your worries are over! Tara Dixon Engel, NRA and USCCA certified trainer, USCCA Training Counselor and author of The Handgun Guide for Women will put you at ease and walk you through the basics of handguns and defensive shooting.
The USCCA 5-star rated trainer has been teaching men and women since 2006 and previously served as VP of Training for the National Association of Chiefs of Police.
To find Tara's upcoming classes, such as her monthly Beginner's Basic Handgun sessions, or her Women's courses, go to ShootingClasses.com.
More classes will be coming soon, as well as MORE LOCATIONS.

Senior Citizens seeking to defend themselves must consider a variety of factors that aren't pertinent to young folks. Survival Training works with individual senior citizens as well as senior groups (like "The Gray Wolves" in Brevard County) to develop basic and intermediate specialized training that addresses common senior concerns related to mobility, trigger control, vision, managing recoil, and more.
If you are interested in scheduling training for your senior group or finding out about upcoming senior classes, email Tara at:

John Falldorf not only teaches intermediate and advanced civilian classes, he is also lead law enforcement instructor at The National Association of Chiefs of Police at The American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville. He also instructs for the Police Academy at Eastern Florida State College and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
John teaches civilian CCW classes, Shotgun Technique, Bolt Action Rifle Fundamentals, Defensive Handgun Training and One-on-One Instruction, in addition to assisting Tara with beginner and senior classes. John's courses are also listed in ShootingClasses.com. If you have questions about his classes, email him at:
WHATEVER the question...a training question, a class-related question, something about concealed carry, something about firearms storage, ammo, holsters, defensive shooting, the seven fundamentals of marksmanship or if you just want to know "who played Lumpy in Leave It To Beaver," we want to be a resource for YOU!
CONTACT us via email or
at 386-243-0403

Depending on where you are located (in Florida or elsewhere in this great nation), you will want to get to know these trainers better. In an industry that can sometimes get a bad rap, these folks stand tall as the 'best of the best' and as people who truly want to serve a higher purpose. Many of them are former military or first-responders, but, whatever their previous role, they are instructors with "mad skills" who can and will take you to the next level!
We've learned from these guys...and you will too.
Royce Bartlett -- Royce's booming "radio voice" baritone will penetrate the most stubborn set of ear muffs in order to give you some powerful, common-sense instruction...and what nuggets of wisdom you miss on the range, you can definitely pick up by listening to his internationally acclaimed podcast, "Shooting Straight," which celebrates liberty, the Second Amendment and all things pertaining thereto. Find Royce's classes HERE -- and his podcast HERE.
Dave "Boon" Benton -- An American hero by anyone's definition, this Benghazi survivor is an instructor extraordinaire with a humble, straightforward training style that will make you better as a shooter and maybe even as a person! Boon is also one of the founders of Shootingclasses.com so you can definitely find him HERE.
Martin Castellanos -- A retired LE officer and Coast Guard trainer, Marty is an engaging and dynamic instructor, and his unofficial training mantra says it all: "because funerals suck." He trains first responders and civilians alike with a dogged determination to prevent tragedy -- and his goal is ALWAYS to keep people alive, safe and highly skilled! Find Marty's website and classes HERE.
Ken Corley -- Ken's soothing and unhurried southern drawl belies his years of experience as a law enforcement officer and his national champion shooting skills. He's located in the Lake Nona area of Central Florida and has a back-yard range where he can work with you one-on-one. You can find his classes HERE.
Benny Glossop -- Benny's skill as a defensive tactics instructor (and as a former MMA fighter) is unparalleled; and he's also one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Find out about his storied career as a fighter, kickboxer, actor, trainer and more HERE.
Matt Mallory -- Matt is a U.S. Army veteran, a sworn LE officer, a highly experienced firearms instructor and popular host/guest on a variety of national media venues whose passion for weapons and self-defense began at a very young age. While his home is in New York, he can often be found teaching classes in Florida (especially during the winter!) and elsewhere in the country. Check out his schedule and multitude of classes HERE.
Israel Matos -- Someone nicknamed him "VooDoo" during a class he was co-instructing because of his uncanny knack for diagnosing issues with grip, trigger manipulation and accuracy, and it's a title that fits. If Izzy can't fix you, no one can! Find out more about his world-class instruction HERE.
Sig Sauer Training Academy -- Once you sit through one of Ross "you do you" Begnaud's Sig Academy classes (or any of his amazing Sig co-horts who teach at Volusia County Gun and Hunt Club and Frogbones Family Shooting Center), you will be signing up for the next one in short order! Great, common-sense detailed instruction and no meaningless swagger. Find Sig's Florida classes HERE.
The one thing ALL these guys have in common is that they CARE about their students and they are not in the training biz to vaunt up their egos (they already have more than enough achievements to establish credibility a thousand times over.) These guys don't swagger or preach...they teach, they guide, and they help you better understand firearms, defensive shooting and personal defense tactics and strategies. ​